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Handmade Cigars

Why Choose Handmade Cigars?

Smoking cigars is not just a habit; it's a lifestyle that speaks of luxury, relaxation, and sophistication. It's a time-honored tradition that has stood the test of time, and for good reason. While cigar production has gone through several modernization processes, nothing compares to the feeling of hand-rolled cigars. The art of hand-rolling a cigar is not just a craft; it's a way of life that needs to be appreciated and honored. In this blog post, we examine why you should choose handmade cigars and how they are different from their machine-made counterparts.


1. Quality Control

Handmade cigars are superior because of the meticulous attention they receive during production. Every step of the process, from the rolling to the packaging, is done manually. The result of this is a more uniform burn, which means the flavors are consistent, and the draw is smooth. Unlike machine-made cigars, handmade cigars are not rushed, and every one of them is made by a skilled artisan that takes pride in their work.


2. Unique Flavors

Handmade cigars offer cigar lovers a unique, flavorful experience. The blending of different types of tobacco means that each cause will have its own distinctive flavor, unlike machine-made cigars, which are often blended with chemical flavor enhancers. Also, the artisan's skill will affect the blend, leading to a unique aroma and flavor that is only obtainable from a handmade cigar.


3. Personalized Experience

Buying handmade cigars is not just a transaction. It's a personalized experience where the aficionado can talk to the expert about their preferences in flavors, sizes, and strengths. Every cigar is different, and the experienced craftsman can help you identify the perfect cigar that suits your taste, thereby guaranteeing a perfect smoking experience.


4. Better Aging

Handmade cigars are easier to age than machine-made cigars. Since they are hand-rolled, the tobacco leaves are bound naturally, rather than being held together by glue or chemical adhesive. This means they can age naturally, which leads to a better flavor profile. Handmade cigars, when properly maintained, will improve with age, making them a more valuable investment than machine-made cigars.


5. Supporting Artisans

Lastly, choosing handmade cigars means you are supporting the art of cigar-making and the artisan communities that create them. Many cigar artisans have honed their craft for generations. By buying handmade cigars, you are helping to keep the tradition alive and preserve the unique techniques and flavors that make them so sought after.


At Jean Carlos Shells, we are proud to offer a selection of premium handmade cigars that cater to the discerning cigar aficionado.  Each cigar is a work of art, and we invite you to experience the luxury and sophistication of our hand-rolled cigars.

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